Runecaster's Handbook


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This complete guide shows you how to: make your own runes; load the rune with harmonious power; prepare the optimum setting for a rune reading. Includes general rune meanings, divination tables, the positive and negative aspects of each rune, its linguistic component and phonetic value, runic layouts, and sample readings. By the author of the best-selling, Futhark: Handbook of Rune Magic.

Edred Thorsson is an American runologist and proponent of occultism and Germanic mysticism. He received his doctorate in Germanic languages and medieval studies from the University of Texas and has published over two dozen books on esoteric runology. He lives in Texas.

Edred Thorsson
ISBN: 9781578631360
Book (Paperback)
Weiser Books

January 15, 1999
144 pages



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